Maintaining a healthy life and preventing disease is of the greatest importance for adults. That's why it is recommended to have a annual examination every year, which includes an examination by an internist or a general practitioner, pulse oximetry, blood pressure measurement, ECG, ultrasound examination of the abdomen and laboratory analyses. In addition, an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland is performed in women and an ultrasound examination of the prostate in men.
Vaccinations are also of great importance for health, where we use top quality vaccines from renowned world producers. Doctors check the immunization record and determine possible revaccinations or new vaccinations. We recommend getting a flu shot every year.
In case of problems related to the cardiovascular system, in addition to the examination, the internist cardiologist can perform an ECG, an ultrasound examination of the heart, a Holter ECG and a Holter blood pressure monitor. A radiology specialist can do a Doppler of the blood vessels in order to find anomalies of the vascular system.
A radiology specialist performs an ultrasound examination of the abdomen (stomach) and pelvis, joints, muscles and soft tissues.
An ENT specialist primarily deals with health problems related to the ear, by determining the condition of the middle ear (tympanometry) and hearing (audiometry), and can also perform therapeutic procedures in the form of washing the ear and placing a strip with medicine.
In case of skin-related problems, in addition to the examination, a dermatovenerology specialist can also perform a dermoscopy (examination of moles) and the removal of warts with radio waves.
A pulmonology specialist can perform a pulmonary function test (spirometry), and an allegology specialist can perform skin tests for inhalant and nutritional allergens.
During the examination, the results of rapid diagnostic tests such as complete blood count, CRP, rapid streptococcal test and glycemia are ready in 5 to 10 minutes. From other diagnostics, it is possible to take blood samples for biochemical and other analyses, take different types of swabs (throat, nose, eye, vulva, etc.), take urine samples for sediment ("ordinary urine") and urine culture, take stool samples on viruses (Rota/Adeno/Noro/Astro viruses), parasites, fungi and bacteria (coproculture). In this way, the diagnosis of the disease is quickly established and adequate treatment is carried out according to modern therapeutic protocols.
Various therapeutic procedures are carried out in the polyclinic, in the form of intramuscular therapy (injection), intravenous therapy (infusion), inhalation with medicine or physical therapy.